Brandon Jamison
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$ 725 Donated
11 Donations
145% of $500.00 Goal


BRIGADE Basketball Club will host its 2020 Shoot-a-Thon event on February 23rd!

Every athlete will shoot and MAKE 100 free throws prior to the event. We are looking for sponsors for each MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket MADE or make a one-time DONATION.

Example: .50 cents X 100 MADE free throws = $50 PLEDGE

Please help us reach our goal!


I play for BRIGADE Basketball Club - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per MADE free throw.

Recent Donations
Cannon Sybil
Uncle Ron and Ms. Roz
We are so proud of the young man you are. Continue working hard! We love you!
Uncle Greg & Aunt Cynthia
Go do your thing nephew👍🏾💪🏾
Aunt Tabby & Uncle Ponch
Brandon have a great season! You’re doing great things!
Short One
So proud of you Brandon! Have a wonderful season! Play hard and give it your all.
Alicia Harris
Malachi Jamison
Proud of you son!
Daniel Greene
Know you can do it and it will happen!
Uncle Bobby and Tywana
Good luck nephew! We love you!
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Kevin Clark
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