4th Grade: Cohen
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$ 1,588 Donated
34 Donations
62% of $2560.00 Goal


Atlantic Shores Christian School will be hosting its inaugural Fun Run during Field Day on April 20th!

We have added a Fun Run to Field Day to encourage our school to come together and support one another and our building project.

What is a Fun Run? This year Atlantic Shores is hosting our very own Fun Run Fundraiser. We are looking forward to bringing our two campus together to have our biggest fundraiser of the year. Families, friends, and neighbors will be able to pledge money to support students as they run, jog, walk or skip laps around a track for 40 minutes. Students will wear their Atlantic Shores 2018 Field Day-Fun Run t-shirts and receive tally marks on their back for every lap completed.

The more laps completed, the more money raised! Please help us reach our goal.


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19% donated of $160.00 goal
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250% donated of $160.00 goal
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31% donated of $160.00 goal
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142% donated of $160.00 goal
Atlantic Shores Christian School

Atlantic Shores Christian School will be hosting its inaugural Fun Run during Field Day on April 20th! We have added a Fun Run to Field Day to encourage our school to come together and support one another and our building project. The more laps completed, the more money raised! Please help us reach our goal.

Recent Donations
Wendy Jones
Have a great run Matthew!! Love you, Grammy
$0.50 per Lap
lawrence James
way to go Sydney run fast I know u can do it
Adrienne Harris
Valeria Lawrence
Cris Sprouse
Benjamin Wilson
Go Matthew!
Nevada Sanders
David Bergey
Silvia Torriente
Justin McCormick
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Danie Aguiar
Leila Boustany
Run Jonathan, run!
Alysa Phillips
William and Kathleen Phillips
Pam boyson
Good luck❤️
PaPaw and Grandma Woodward
Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Christine
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Alysa Phillips
So proud of you!!!
Teresa Sprouse
I love you Zion
$1.00 per Lap
Cris Sprouse
Jennifer Stephan
I love you to the moon and back Brianna! Love, Mommy
Justin and Ashley Daniels
Noni, Mom, Grandma
Run Arianna Run!
Dennis Garrigan
Good luck Zion!!!
Gayla Griffin
Gooooo Connor!!!
Aaron Little
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Alex Rosario
The Berardi’s
Run like the wind, Jonathan!
Jimmy and Christine Moore
Papaw & Grandma Woodward
For our precious granddaughter!
Christine Moore
Love you, Bre!!!
Jennifer Stephan
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