3rd Grade Boys
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$ 1,669 Donated
43 Donations
334% of $500.00 Goal


On October 28th the Sacred Heart Spartans will host its team wide Shoot-a-Thon Challenge!

During the event every student athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

Sacred Heart School has always had a reputation of being a powerhouse when it came to CYO basketball here on Staten Island. That was not by accident, but rather the result of hard work, commitment and dedication of both the players and coaching staff.

That same commitment and dedication has also led to an increase in the number of players wanting to proudly sport a Sacred Heart jersey at various gyms across the island on CYO Sundays.

In order to keep our high-standard of play, we need to get all of our teams in the gym practicing at least twice a week. With more than 20 teams, that is not possible without renting gym space.

Please help our young players keep the competitive advantage that our program offers by sponsoring your favorite players.  Thank you in advance for your support!


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75% donated of $100.00 goal
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382% donated of $100.00 goal
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100% donated of $100.00 goal
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100% donated of $100.00 goal
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100% donated of $100.00 goal
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175% donated of $100.00 goal
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342% donated of $100.00 goal
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0% donated of $100.00 goal
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25% donated of $100.00 goal
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240% donated of $100.00 goal
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65% donated of $100.00 goal


Recent Donations
Good luck Shane!
Noreen Mills
Daniel Mills
Patrick Chanod
Anthony Passalacqua
Let's Go Dennis!!!
Thomas Corson
Good luck Shane!
Good Luck!!!
Cara Roberts
$2.00 per Shot
Good Luck, Love mom , dad, Grandma, Grandpa and Margie!
$2.00 per Shot
Good Luck, Love mom , dad, Grandma, Grandpa and Margie!
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Uncle Kenny
Good luck Nephew!!
PaPa & Ma
Do your best!!! Love you!!!
Michele McCarter
Go David!!
Emily, Jack & Grace
Good luck boys!
James & Jen Griffo
Go Shane!!!
Good Luck Shane!
Caitlyn and Riley Philips
Good Luck, Shane!!!!!!!
Cami & Steven
Good Luck Shane!
Jackson and Lila Griffo
Good Luck Shane!!
DJ and Kylie Heal
Good Luck David!! Love your Cousins, DJ and Kylie!
Back  Displaying 11-20 donations  More
$6.00 per Shot
$300 pledge no matter what
Ellen & Mike Spisto
Have a great season. You're the best. Love, Nanny, Grandpa and Gram
Brian Coakley
Jacqueline Fuentes
Good Luck Dennis!
Linda Gordon
Have a fun year Spartans !
Brady Roberts
Anthony gambardella
Good season
VA Beach Corsons
Good luck Dennis!! Hope you shoot better than your Dad!!
Chris Long
Go Spartans!!
Back  Displaying 21-30 donations  More
$1.00 per Shot
Tom Scarey
For Anthony Gambardello
Barianne McNamara
Good Luck AJ!!!
The Sheas
Mary Jane Corson
Jessica Althoff
Donna Heal
Good luck David!!
James neal
Meghan Timmins
Team Corson!!!
Back  Displaying 31-40 donations  More
Maura Timmins
Love SHS Spartans
Good luck Talib
Gail & Artie Fernandez
Good luck 3rd grade team
Go gettem Buds!!!!
$1.00 per Shot
Let's Go Dennis!!!
Auntie Kim
Rick Gregg
Anything for the boys
Kathleen reda
Good luck Dennis!!
Back  Displaying 41-48 donations
Back  Displaying 51-48 donations