1st Grade: Rudy
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$ 4,121.26 Donated
83 Donations
136% of $3040.00 Goal


Atlantic Shores Christian School will be hosting its inaugural Fun Run during Field Day on April 20th!

We have added a Fun Run to Field Day to encourage our school to come together and support one another and our building project.

What is a Fun Run? This year Atlantic Shores is hosting our very own Fun Run Fundraiser. We are looking forward to bringing our two campus together to have our biggest fundraiser of the year. Families, friends, and neighbors will be able to pledge money to support students as they run, jog, walk or skip laps around a track for 40 minutes. Students will wear their Atlantic Shores 2018 Field Day-Fun Run t-shirts and receive tally marks on their back for every lap completed.

The more laps completed, the more money raised! Please help us reach our goal.


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256% donated of $160.00 goal
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69% donated of $160.00 goal
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625% donated of $160.00 goal
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33% donated of $160.00 goal
Atlantic Shores Christian School

Atlantic Shores Christian School will be hosting its inaugural Fun Run during Field Day on April 20th! We have added a Fun Run to Field Day to encourage our school to come together and support one another and our building project. The more laps completed, the more money raised! Please help us reach our goal.

Recent Donations
Amy Morgan
You can do it, Will!!!
Laura Thompson
Great job!
Mrs. Robyn
So proud of you & training for the 5K!
The Mapp Law Firm, PLLC
$1.00 per Lap
Laura Thompson
Go abby!!! You can do it!!
Will and Sabrina Mapp
Lakisha Hayes
Good job shar bar
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Elaine Mountain
$1.00 per Lap
Lakisha Hayes
Have fun
God bless the run! :)
Jason Smith
Go Abby Go!!!!
Charlene Garrett
April Duncan
Trenton Fouche
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Jessica Steckel
Go get em’ Colton!
Wayne costin
Run Colton run!
Donna Harris Rowe
So proud of you Jason! Love Aunt Donna
Virginia McCann
Christie McCann
Go Jake!
Dale Morgan
Steven Williams
Go Shar GO!!!! -God Father Steve
Stacie Straus
Wanda Wilkie
Run like the Wind my sweet granddaughter.
Debora Lawton
Good luck Colton
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Bill Lawton
Good luck Colton
Lauren Davis
Naudya Mapp
Go Shar, Represent!
Brian jones
Go shar go
EDNA Johnson-Smith
Go get’em SHAR!!!
Sharri Mapp-Jones
Holly Biscotti
Shirley Daly
You can do it Colton!
Zoey Heilman
Woof Woof
Chris and Susan Heilman
Have fun while you run!
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kimberly Jackson
Romaine Mapp
Run Shar Run
James Cooke
Melissa and Lester Jones
Go Shar!!! Run like the wind :) 💙
$5.00 per Lap
William Mapp
$15.00 per Lap
The Mapp Law Firm, PLLC
Miss you Shar! :)
taeler satchell
Good Luck Shar Bar😘
Anneshia Miller Grant
Good luck!
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$1.50 per Lap
Felicia johnson
Aunty Bubbles
Manny, I love you so much and I am so proud of you!
Kirstie Robison
Good luck! You all will do great! I am so proud of you guys! Have fun! Love, Ms. Robison :)
James Burnett
Papa and Nonnie are pulling for you and hope your church is rebuilt in a hurry
Joyce Smith
Abby, Bear and I are so proud of your hard work to support your school!! We love you very much.😘Nana Jo
I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to cheer you on! I love you so much!!
Aunt Grayson, Uncle Giacomo, and Bennett
Good luck Ellie!! We love you!
Alfred Nyamekyeh
Dearest Manny, we are so proud of you grandson! Have a great fun-run day. Love Pappy & Mummy!
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wanda woods
Mamae and Papa
We are very proud of you. Love Granny & Papa
Ruth Brush
Yea buddy!!
Jessica Rivera
Run fast Luke!
Steven McCrorey
Olliette Joyner
Run Reynah and have fun !!!!
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kimberly Jackson
Uncle Duke & Auntie Stephanie
Have fun Ellie! Love you!
Uncle Dave & Aunt Jennifer Munley
We are very proud of you!!!
$0.50 per Lap
Charlene Garrett
Jennifer Walker
Go Breahna!!!
Kim Coleman
Renee & Gerald McKie
Go Reynah!!!
Jennell Riddick
Go Reynah!
Ricky Wilkins
Run Reynah Run
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Run Reynah Run
Debbie Rivard
Good Luck Abby! YOU are Awesome!
Good luck Kiddo
CoCo and BeBe
You go, Girl!! ❤️U
John, Rosemary, and Cade Edmonds
Have fun at the fun run Ellie! We love you!
Precious Deloatch
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