4th Grade: Apker
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$ 2,777.39 Donated
62 Donations
102% of $2720.00 Goal


Atlantic Shores Christian School will be hosting its inaugural Fun Run during Field Day on April 20th!

We have added a Fun Run to Field Day to encourage our school to come together and support one another and our building project.

What is a Fun Run? This year Atlantic Shores is hosting our very own Fun Run Fundraiser. We are looking forward to bringing our two campus together to have our biggest fundraiser of the year. Families, friends, and neighbors will be able to pledge money to support students as they run, jog, walk or skip laps around a track for 40 minutes. Students will wear their Atlantic Shores 2018 Field Day-Fun Run t-shirts and receive tally marks on their back for every lap completed.

The more laps completed, the more money raised! Please help us reach our goal.


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Atlantic Shores Christian School

Atlantic Shores Christian School will be hosting its inaugural Fun Run during Field Day on April 20th! We have added a Fun Run to Field Day to encourage our school to come together and support one another and our building project. The more laps completed, the more money raised! Please help us reach our goal.

Recent Donations
Mrs. B
Kevin Raad
From Sharon Balog too
Robert Isabella
Gerard Ragland
Be Awesome because you are awesome
SANdra Tinsley
Debbie Caprio
Go for lots of laps. Grandpa and I love you
Steve Ripley
Good luck Josh, I'm proud of you buddy!!
Lets do it Josh! -- go for the 30 laps!
Mimi & Pops
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Terri Zimmerman
Good Luck Bey
You got it, Tatum! Love you!
Grace (Grammie) Jones
Can't wait to see you finish all 30 laps. I'm proud of you Joshua and wish you good running.
Lisa Sibley
I’m cheering for you, Joshua!
Kevin Raad
Get those laps! Proud of you!
Taylor Evans
Jessie Caprio
Love you pumpkin pie!
Luigi Caprio
Go Pax
Garry Morrison
Go for it Josh
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Go Josh
Kristy Raad
Good luck!
Sandra & Max Tinsley
Lisa Harrell
Run fast Carson!! Love and miss you bunches!! Aunt Lisa & Cousin Kady and family!!!
Jessica Danchak
Girl power:)
Have fun!!!!!
Run Taty!!! Love Mommy
Mommy and Daddy
Have a great time Cars!
Go Flash!!! We love u!!
Donna Lapacik
Good Luck!
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Diana Connelly
Have fun, Becca!!
Patty Zatezalo
Uncle Danny
Go Becca! We love you!
Kerry Petryk
Run girl Run! Lots of love from Piper and I 😘
Woot! Woot!
Stan, Lori and (Lil Rip) Ripley
We are all behind you Josh. Good luck!!
Carol Sanders
Run for God. Love Mammy
Ruth H Cole
Good luck Kristian
Joshua Sibley
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Blake Sibley
Vincent Parker
Uncle Vincent & Aunt Diane are glad we can help. We are very proud of Kristian!
Flowers Family
We love you, go be great!!!
Rhonda Parker
Grandma Sheila and Papaw
We love you! Good luck! We are very proud of you.
Denise Cox
Love your sweet girl! Good luck in your run and your chance for PE teacher for the day!
Marie Blakeley
Good luck Kimberly.
Denise Horchar
Have Fun!
Lori Rosenbaum
Have fun Becca! xo
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Dan & Jodie Spell
Grammy & Papa
Mom and Dad
Love you PE Teacher!
Go Cousin Carson!!! Love, Cooper
Jordan Sibley
Barbara Norton
Michael Smith
Go get em Pax!
Kristi And Dennis Worden
Love you! Go get ‘em!
Chelsea Painter
Good luck Katiebug! Just keep running...just keep running...
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The O'Connell's
Go Paxman!!
$10.00 per Lap
In memory of Mike
Patrick Manges
Go katie bug!
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