Lady Bruins Junior Varsity
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$ 1,410 Donated
31 Donations
56% of $2500.00 Goal


On October 12th Lady Bruins Basketball will host its team wide Free Throw Challenge!

At the event every athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

We are the Lady Bruins Basketball team at Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach. We are trying to raise funds to help pay for equipment, tournaments, off season leagues, and uniforms. We compete in the Moore League and our goal is to make it to the play-offs this season.

We would like to thank you for your support, and we are excited to share this journey with you.


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0% donated of $400.00 goal
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2% donated of $400.00 goal
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33% donated of $400.00 goal
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0% donated of $400.00 goal
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131% donated of $400.00 goal
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48% donated of $400.00 goal
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25% donated of $400.00 goal
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0% donated of $400.00 goal
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0% donated of $400.00 goal
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22% donated of $400.00 goal
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28% donated of $400.00 goal
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51% donated of $400.00 goal
Lady Bruins Basketball

We are the Lady Bruins Basketball team at Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach. We are trying to raise funds to help pay for equipment, tournaments, off season leagues, and uniforms. We compete in the Moore League and our goal is to make it to the play-offs this season. We would like to thank you for your support, and we are excited to share this journey with you.

Recent Donations
Julie Ann sherman
Julie Ann Sherman
Enjoy the season, you're learning a lot!
Ward Jonathan Bates
Friends & Family
$2.00 per Shot
Lyn Doriman
$0.25 per Shot
Isabella Duco
$1.00 per Shot
$0.25 per Shot
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
$1.00 per Shot
$0.25 per Shot
$3.00 per Shot
Regina Catanyag
$0.25 per Shot
Saida Wiltz
$0.25 per Shot
Ashley Anderson
Friends & Family
Maggie B
$0.25 per Shot
Friends & Family
$0.25 per Shot
Back  Displaying 11-20 donations  More
$1.00 per Shot
Friends & Family
$0.25 per Shot
$1.00 per Shot
$0.25 per Shot
$0.25 per Shot
$1.00 per Shot
Alexandra Myers
Good luck this season!
$1.00 per Shot
Good luck kid.
Back  Displaying 21-30 donations  More
Faye Walton
Back  Displaying 31-31 donations
Back  Displaying 41-31 donations