Marathon Girls Basketball Free Throw Challenge 2016
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$ 2,422.25 Donated
64 Donations
484% of $500.00 Goal


On October 29th the Marathon Girls Basketball Team will host its team wide Free Throw Challenge!

During the event every athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

We are raising funds for travel apparel. Please help us reach our goal!


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384% donated of $75.00 goal
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132% donated of $75.00 goal
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73% donated of $75.00 goal
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134% donated of $75.00 goal
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232% donated of $75.00 goal
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33% donated of $75.00 goal
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71% donated of $75.00 goal
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27% donated of $75.00 goal
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0% donated of $75.00 goal
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385% donated of $75.00 goal
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394% donated of $75.00 goal
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582% donated of $75.00 goal
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377% donated of $75.00 goal
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48% donated of $75.00 goal
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0% donated of $75.00 goal
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0% donated of $75.00 goal
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0% donated of $75.00 goal
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97% donated of $75.00 goal
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0% donated of $75.00 goal
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0% donated of $75.00 goal


Recent Donations
James Lisi
Joey and Macie
Good luck Smash!!
Mom and Dad
Aunt Jill
Mom and Dad
Go Kari - Never Give up - Mom and Dad
Grammy and Papa
Make a basket Kari - Grammy and Papa
Aunt Jill
Mom and Dad
Good Luck Molly - Mom and Dad
Grammy Yuhasz
Make a Basket Molly-Bear.... Grammy and Papa
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Don't break the bank!
Eric cornell
Good luck Kendra. We are all rooting for you...
Go Coach Drew Dog!
Don and Karen Barry
Go get 'em Kari!
Dionne DePuy
Kick butt G!!! We are proud of you!
Renee & Leo
Leo & Renee Mayer
Sophie Mayer
Shawn Murphy
Knock em down!
Damon Yuhasz
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Damon Yuhasz
Doug Durand
Eliza Filipowski
Good luck!!!
Mom and Dad
Go Hannah!
Spec Sopp
Good luck
Jim Stephens and family
Congratulations! Much love!
$1.00 per Shot
Scott Reilly
Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Bob
Love you
$0.50 per Shot
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$0.50 per Shot
Johnson motors
Good luck!!
Aunt Penny
Good Luck Ashley!
Good luck Ashley!!
Grandma and Papa
Good luck!!!
$1.00 per Shot
Mom and Dad
Good Luck Ash!!! We love u!!
Dianne Brown
Woot Woot - Go Syd!
$0.50 per Shot
Mom 2
Make more than 1
$1.00 per Shot
Croteaus Transmission Service
Go get em kiddo!! Good luck!!
Good luck Ash!!
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Sarah Ensign
Go for it Olivia
Have a great season, Mom!
Linda Foote
Good luck this season!
Pete Komendarek
Go Molly..I bet you will outshoot your Dad!!!! - Pete K.
Pete Komendarek
Go Kari - I am sure you can outshoot Gym - Pete K
Greg Shane
Go Molly..Shoot those Freethrows - Greg S.
Greg Shane
Go Kari - you can do it...
Karen Cataldo
For Keri and Molly Merihew. Good luck!
Jamie Bush
For the Merihew Girls from Jamie Bush, Good luck girls
Sandra Phillips
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Sarah Fairbanks
Michelle Kinter
Tom Provost
Have a Great Season Kari!!!! Love Ebbie, Ben and your favorite Tommy Tom Tom
Mary Fratamico
Kari pierce
Eliza Filipowski
$50 if Ashley makes 10 out 100 free throws.
Ann L. Homer
Crystal Clough
Friends & Family
Karen Lottridge
Shoot for the stars Kenny!!
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Mary Pluff
Paul & Peg Sweeney
Mom and Dad
Wynie+Bob Lottridge
Looking forward to another exciting season. Best of luck, Coach Pierce's Mom......
Uncle Jeff & Aunt Sallee
Good luck!
Kathleen Holcomb
Good luck Kendra
$0.25 per Shot
Jim Stephens
For Kendra Lottridge, we are routing for you!
$0.25 per Shot
Jim Stephens
For Kendra Lottridge
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Diane Baldwin
Kenny, you've got this.
Brenda Knickerbocker
Good luck girls
$1.50 per Shot
Good luck kid!
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