Casey Donelly
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$ 811 Donated
22 Donations
162% of $500.00 Goal


Support a college bound student-athlete today!

On Saturday, May 6, 2017, the New Heights Basketball Program will host itโ€™s 4th Annual Team Challenge Shoot-A-Thon at St. Raymond High School.

Every student-athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .10 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

All proceeds will fund New Heightsโ€™ signature year-round integrated youth-development program College Bound and the 2017 basketball season.

Check out where your favorite player stands! Shoot-a-thon Leader Board


Recent Donations
Jimmy Ricaurte
Tiffany Gomez
Good luck boo! Can't wait for you to take all my money! Love you!!!!
Robert Donnelly
Can't wait to see it
Keep the good job! And always try your hardest...PA
Andrea Treus
You got this Casey!!
I know you will make every shot!
Good luck!
$0.50 per Shot
Maryann Cerniglia
Casey I know you will make all 100 shots because you are the BEST. Xoxo love you Aunt MiMi
$0.50 per Shot
Linda Donnelly
So proud of you, combing helping others with the game you love so much!! Have fun looking forward to the results.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘‹๐ŸŒ
Diego /Janet
Go girl!!!!! you can do it....
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Angel Contrera
Good luck, Casey! You are AMAZING! :D
Yoly & Ed
You go girl!! Make it happen your mommy's friends are supporting you all the way!!!
$1.00 per Shot
Andrew Gallant & Jimmy Ricaurte
Jimmy Ricaurte
Steve Pierre-Jean
Good Luck
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Tiffany Gomez
Robert T.Checola
Carlos E. Rodriguez
Marvi Rodriguez
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