Devon Vincent
$ 1,757 Donated
30 Donations
351% of $500.00 Goal


Support a College Bound student-athlete today!

New Heights Basketball Program is excited to host it’s 11th Annual Team Challenge Shoot-A-Thon.

During the event every student-athlete, coach and GM will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .10 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

All proceeds will fund New Heights’ signature year-round integrated youth-development program College Bound and the basketball season.

***Check out where your favorite player stands! Team Challenge Leader Board***


I am a member of the New Heights College Bound program, which combines basketball, education and leadership development to help student-athletes develop the skills necessary for success on and off the court.

Recent Donations
Craig Vincent
Edgar Guce
Guy Loranger
To the smoothest shooter this side of Steph! You’ll nail all 100 shots! 👍🏽
Grandmommie & Granddaddy Vincent
Go Grandson Go!! Shoot for the STARS🌟 We LOVE you and we are SO PROUD of you!
Good luck
Agnes Brandauer
Go for the best
Angela Ribisi
maria russo
good luck devon
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Elena Flom
Randy Moore
Robert Dietzel
Best wishes Devon
Uncle Marc
Good luck, Devon
Lori Robinson Jennings
Your Aunti Kelly’s friend supports you continue to be GREAT!!!
Jen Linder
Let’s knock down 100 for 100 Let’s go.
Kelly Riley
Good for you! Your Aunt Kelly shared the opportunity to support you with her high School friends.
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Terrilynn Polhill
Kevin vincent
Mary vincent
Michael and I are so excited for you
Bleu Walker
Go Devon!!
Marquesa Lawrence
Continue to shoot for the ✨⭐🌟!
Tanja Belic
Keep up the great work mein Schatz - LET’S GO !!
Auntie Kelly
Go Nephew GO!! ‘We are ‘the cookers’.. keep up the great energy, focus and tenacity … Love you mucho 🫶🏾
Brenda Torres-Squire
All The Way To The Top!!!!
Tania Torno
Let's gooooo!!!
Mary Conde
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