Finn Mulholland
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$ 1,447 Donated
28 Donations
1,929% of $75.00 Goal


Emmaus Hornets Football is excited to host its team wide Lift-a-Thon event!

It will take place on June 10, 2023 from 10am - 2pm at St. Lukes Fitness & Sports Performance Center 702 Union Blvd, Allentown, PA 18109

We will be using the fundraiser for a Team Building Paintball Skermish. In addition funds will be used towards transportion & food costs.

During the event every participant will lift weights. We are looking for sponsors for each pound lifted. You can PLEDGE anything per pound lifted or make a one-time DONATION. We would love your support in reaching our goal.

The athlete will attempt a maximum lift in the Bench Press, Squat, and Power Clean. They will then have a Three Lift Total. Players will record neatly and accurately all information on the sponsor form and turn that into the coach. Each player will set a personal goal for each lift. Sponsors may look at the following examples:

5 cents per pound and the player lifts 1,000 pounds. The total due is $50

10 cents per pound and the player lifts 1,000 pounds. The total due is $100

25 cents per pound and the player lifts 1,000 pounds. The total due is $250

50 cents per pound and the player lifts 1,000 pounds. The total due is $500

Please help us reach our goal! Start Right Now getting pledges by SENDING THIS EMAIL to your circle of friends and family! Don't forget your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, friends, businesses, coaches, banks, insurance agents, lawyers, church members, neighbors, cousins, teachers, & local retaraunts. Ask your family to ask their coworkers - they can distribute this email as well or post it to social media.

We thank each supporter and look forward to the Kick-off of an amazing season! Go Hornets!


I attend Emmaus Hornets Football - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per pound lifted.

Recent Donations
Chris galinis
Laurie Roan
Good luck Finn!
Dennis, Erica, Liam, Hailey and Maddix
We love you Finn! Crush it!
Geiger Family
We’re SO proud of you!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!
U go Finn!!
Briana Arjona
Go get ‘‘em tiger
Joe Collins
Love it!! Always a fan of lifting!
Bobby Carter
Mail It Finn!! Bobby Pat and Robert
Richard Schaller
Go Finn!!
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Design Floors
Have a great season. Go Finn.
Claire & Bob Carter
Go get'm Finn!!~!
Chelsea Fonda
Let's go Finn!!!
Kate Pengitore
Lauri Passeri
Good luck Finn!
Dustin Mulholland
Uncle Dustin & Aunt Laura
Aunt Amber & Uncle Kevo
Go Finn!!
Nonni Jane
Love you Finn!
Ford and Vickie Corriere
Best of luck for a great season
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Donna Smeltz
Let’s see those muscles!
Sheppard Family
Good Luck Finn!
Joyce Gerity
Go for it!!!!
Go Finn!!!
Cathy Mulholland
Christine Brown
Flat donation
Aunt Paige
Go Finn!!!
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