11th Grade Maryland Pride Free Throw-a-Thon
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$ 3,413.50 Donated or Pledged
65 Donations
68% of $5000.00 Goal


On June 23rd the Maryland Pride 11th Grade Basketball team will host its Free Throw-a-Thon!

Every athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

THE MARYLAND PRIDE (formally Blue Star Maryland) basketball program was created in January of 2009 to give student athletes in the Washington Metropolitan Area an opportunity to learn the game of basketball and be given an opportunity to compete on the highest level. Our program and all of our volunteer coaches are committed to providing an opportunity for our student-athletes to expand both their knowledge and love for the game in an environment that teaches respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, commitment and hard work. The Maryland Pride objective is to “Strive for Excellence…both on and off the court”!

Please feel free to contact us via www.themarylandpride.com if you need more information.

Your generous contribution will able to assist with our team upcoming July 2016 tournaments and travel expenses to include (travel by train, plane or automobile), lodging, entry fees and food expenses that are often very difficult to obtain in a timely manner. This event is an effort to seek financial support with our Pride Free Throw a Thon that will help us with the above.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and your support.

The 11th Grade event will be hosted on June 23rd at Archbishop Carroll High School Washington DC.


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13% donated of $1000.00 goal
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30% donated of $1000.00 goal
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49% donated of $1000.00 goal
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86% donated of $1000.00 goal
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0% donated of $1000.00 goal
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12% donated of $1000.00 goal
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33% donated of $1000.00 goal
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0% donated of $1000.00 goal
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0% donated of $1000.00 goal
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20% donated of $1000.00 goal
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9% donated of $1000.00 goal
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3% donated of $1000.00 goal
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0% donated of $1000.00 goal
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84% donated of $1000.00 goal


Recent Donations
Tony H
Play hard, play smart, Have fun and Good Luck
Edythe N White
Doris Green
Marwan Wingate
Greg Green
Rj king
Roland Dadivas
$1.00 per shot made
Brian Studevent
Proud of You! Lil Bro Ezra
Shaynah Barnes
Good luck and congratulations on your achievements.
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Lionel Richardson
$1.00 per Shot
Lionel Richardson
Tiffani Battle
Michelle White
I know your Mom is so proud of you!
Phil Metayer
Good luck Asia! :-)
Amy Gibson
Bakri Brown
$1.00 per Shot
Katina & Brandon Wright
Victor Vital
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Flash Kinloch
Keep putting in that work Asia!
linda epps
Good luck...cousin Joanne
Cyril McKoy
Kevin Green Sr.
Bridget Hendricks
Good Luck
Kevin J Green Jr
Keevonda C Green
$0.25 per Shot
OJ Braxton
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$0.25 per Shot
Good luck from Mom
Sandra Clark
adam vital
Monica Smith
For Asia McCray
Suggs family
$0.50 per Shot
Darius Walls
good luck lex
$0.50 per Shot
Roger Amker
good luck lex
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Saints Basketball
charlene clark
$0.50 per Shot
Andrea Nowell
Kamara Jahi
We'll talk about that pic a little later.
Walter Lemons III
Dongee Pegram
Knock'em down Boo
Karen Richardson
Good luck Asia! Mom & Lil Bro Ezra
Go Leah
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Good Luck Leah!
Go Leah!
Michelle Sweeney
Sam Stafford
Awesome job!!!!
George McKoy
Best of luck to you and your team!!
Lamas family
Tasha Pegram
So proud of you Boo!
Roberta McKoy
Candice Pegram-GarcĂ­a
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Edythe N White
Carlos and Rayna Coley
Good luck!!!
Bill Barnes
I'm more than convinced you will succeed as you already have!!
Montina Vital
Let's put in that work Zenzele!!
Anthony wright
Make it happen!!!
Anthony wright
Daniealle Browning
Lemon's ENT!
$0.50 per Shot
Good luck!
Cindy Staley
Good luck from all of us at CSNS
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Khadjia carpentet
knock it out of the park, babygirl! You all have this. Best wishes to you and the team. Auntie loves you.
$1.00 per Shot
Unbreakable Enterprises, LLC
Denise Lester Johnson
Good luck! Love Aunt Dee
$0.35 per Shot
Glenn Espeleta
Good Luck Rayna!
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