SBS 2nd Grade
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$ 5,670 Donated
76 Donations
63% of $9000.00 Goal


Saint Benedict School is excited to host its 2nd Annual school wide Dance-a-thon on January 24th!

Goal: $100,000

During the event, we plan to have our school dancing all day long with different classes taking time slots in the auditorium. By doing this, Saint Benedict School will dance the entire day away as we raise funds for our beloved school.

Student Benchmark Awards:

$125 - One dress down day scheduled during week of $500 raised + Dance-a-thon bracelet

$500 - One Week Dress Down (Designated Week TBD) & Dance-A-Thon Shirt

$1,000 - Achievers Day (Special School Day Lunch, Extended Recess, and Social Media Recognition) +$500 Raised Reward

$1,500 - Hall of Fame Dinner and 2 Guests + $500 & $1,000 Raised Rewards

Top 5 Students for this Fundraiser will become "Principal for a Day"

Sibling Benchmark Adjustments:

The benchmarks for siblings cannot be used for cousins or any other combination of family members.

Family of 2 Kids

Dress Down Week + two shirts - $800 ($200 off)

$1,000 Achievers Day (Special School Day Lunch, Extended Recess, and Social Media Recognition) + above-$1,800 ($200 off)

Hall of Fame Dinner for two kids, mom, and dad + above - $2,700 ($300 off)

Family of 3 Kids

Dress Down Week + Three Shirts - $1,200 ($300 off)

$1,000 Achievers Day (Special School Day Lunch, Extended Recess, and Social Media Recognition) + above- $2,700 ($300 off)

Hall of Fame Dinner for three kids, mom, and dad + above - $4,000 ($500 off)

*Principal for a Day is only obtainable by the top 5 highest individual totals.*

Local Merchants:

Do you know a merchant willing to donate?

For $250, a vendor will receive thank you certificate sent to your business

For $500, a vendor will have their name printed on our dance-a-thon shirts +award above

For $1,000, vendor will have a banner at our dance-a-thon day along with being printed on our shirts and featured on our school website's sponsors page +awards above

Help from our local vendors will get us one step closer to our goal!

**We encourage check submissions to avoid website and credit card fees being taken away from our fundraising efforts. Checks should be written to Saint Benedict Church with Dance-a-thon on the memo line.**

Please help us reach our goal!


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103% donated of $1000.00 goal
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7% donated of $1000.00 goal
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7% donated of $1000.00 goal
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Saint Benedict School

Saint Benedict School is excited to host its 2nd Annaul school wide Dance-a-thon the week of January 26th! During the event, we plan to have our school dancing all day long with different classes taking time slots in the auditorium. By doing this, Saint Benedict School will dance the entire day away as we raise funds for our beloved school!

Recent Donations
Yaulina Martinez
I love you babygirl
Cristopher Jr Quinonez
You got this lilah!
The best girl in the world
Blair Talijan
Leidy Contreras
You got this Delilah!!
Carlos Dominguez
Emely N
Hector Quero
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Joanna Hooks
Mom and Dad
We love you!
Good luck!
Maureen Urena
Love you Delilah
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Best of luck with your fundraiser!
Wilmy rodriguez
Nicole English
Love you💓
Delilah eres la mejor
Titi Radaysi
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Katherine Sanchez
Love you Baby Girl!
Uncle donald
Anna paternoster
Good luck Nicholas!
Love u Sophia! Great moves!
Love u Sarah! You did excellent!
Mom & Dad
You did great Sarah! Way to go 2nd grade !
Mom & Dad
You did great Sophia! Way to go 2nd grade !
Back  Displaying 31-40 donations  More
Ken Schneiweis
Aunt Gina
Yayyyyyy !!!!!
West 13th Group
Victoria and Michelle
Good luck Gia!!!
Virginia Boscia
Adrienne reith
Go gia !!
Good luck
Good luck Gia! Wooooo!
Roberto Ramirez
Congratulations - from John Emrick
Atlantic Development Group
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John Savage
Peter S
Brandy Chasse
Jessa McCormack
Hope Mazzola
Good luck with your fun raising.
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Margaret & Frank
Jennifer Shaffer
You got this❤️
I’m so proud of you Gia! Keep dancing❤️
Rose Dauge
Good Gia -I know you will be the most talented and beautifully dressed
Ann marie Garry
Laura & Jeff Volpicella
May God Bless SBS
Marc Sekzer
Lisa Kossoff
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Marisa Infante
Shari Franco
Dan Pizzurro
You Go Girl!!!!! Love Toria
Lisa Marino
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Back  Displaying 81-76 donations