Ava Lundon: Shoot-a-thon
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$ 755 Donated or Pledged
20 Donations
76% of $1000.00 Goal


Rising Stars will host its team wide Shoot-a-thon on March 30th.

During the event every athlete will shoot 25 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for each MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

There are team and player prizes so pledge/donate today!

***** Take a look at how your favorite player/team stands:Β Rising Stars LeaderboardΒ *****

Please help us reach our goal!


I play for Rising Stars - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per MADE free throw.

Recent Donations
Jill Palisi
Lets go Ava!! πŸ€πŸ’ͺ
Maggie Falcone
Go Ava!!
Kristy & John Rooney
Let’s Go AVA!!!πŸŽ―πŸ€
Bennet family
Good luck Ava!!πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€
Ronald Hoffman
Go Ava!
Laura Loonam
Daniel Lundon
Love Mom and Dad
$3.00 per Shot
Lorraine Bacalles
You Go Ava and have fun doing it.πŸ‘πŸ€
$3.00 per Shot
Meg & Jim
All the best to the best!!πŸ’•
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Paul Brew
Good luck
Paula D
All the Best, Good Luck and God bless you
Good luck Ava
Dennis Mullen
Susan Lundon
Kerry Gannon
Lots of Luck AvaπŸ€
Teddy Mac
Go Ava!
Marcy Parker
Kathy Lundon
Go Ava!πŸ€
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