Kaitlin Anderson
$ 306 Donated
9 Donations
122% of $250.00 Goal


Rising Stars will host its 4th Annual team wide Shoot-a-Thon on Sunday, March 25th!

During the event every athlete will shoot 25 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from 2 to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

Date: Sunday March 25th 3:30-9:30pm

Where: LuHi 131 Brookville Rd Brookville, NY

Rising Stars is a registered 501c3, your donations are tax deductible.

Please help us reach our goal! There are team and player prizes so pledge/donate today!


I play for the Rising Stars - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per made free throw.

Recent Donations
Joanne Case
Go Kaitlin
Jackie Reichle
How wonderful of you to do this, Kaitlin! Best of luck to you!!
Allison Von Vange
Good Luck Kaitlin!
Ms. April
Good luck, Kaitlin!
John Mazziotta
You go Kaitlin! So happy you are doing this! Blessings! Love G. Uncle John and G. Aunt Tina
$1.00 per Shot
Carol-Ann Kinane
Good luck Kaitlin.
Teresa Mazziotta
Happy to support you.
Kristine Anderson