Isabella Medici
$ 315 Donated or Pledged
5 Donations
1,050% of $30.00 Goal


On May 14th the G.O.A.L.S. Athletic League will host its team wide Home Run Derby. Each player will have the opportunity to hit 20 balls. We are looking for sponsors for every ball HIT. Every homerun will count as 2 HITS! You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per ball hit or make a one-time DONATION.

The Girls Organization of Athletics, Leaders in Sports (G.O.A.L.S.) was established in 2009 by Ginny Peiser, a coach/ instructor and a dedicated group of volunteers who share the same vision to improve underserved girls sports, first in the County of Queens, then linking the five boroughs of NYC. Our initial focus will be fastpitch softball where the majority of our experience lies and where it has shown to have the largest need.

Our mission to teach fast pitch softball to girls ages 5-15 in a fun & sportsmanlike environment. GOALS is a non profit 501 3C so all donations are tax deductible.

As a non for profit we rely on our sponors and fundraisers. All proceeds will go to meeting training center expenses to keep the lights on and door open. Having the training center provides a place to be when the weather is cold and wet making the fields unplayable.

Please help us reach our goal!

I play for the Girls Organization of Athletics, Leaders in Sports (G.O.A.L.S.) - Its mission is to teach fast pitch softball to girls ages 5-15 in a fun & sportsmanlike environment. Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per hit made.
Recent Donations
Medici Family
Go Izzy!!
Patrick & Nancy Russo
Good Luck Izzy! Xoxoxo Grandma and Grandpa
Russo Family
Good luck Izzy!!!!
$1.00 per Hit
Taylor Russo
$1.00 per Hit
Lisa Russo
The Cusumano Family
Good luck Izzy!
$1.00 per Hit
Karen Nisi
You can do it, show them how it's done! ;)
Medici Family
Good luck to The Force!