1st and 2nd Grade Biddy Girls
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$ 704.50 Donated
26 Donations
70% of $1000.00 Goal


The Sacred Heart Spartans will host its Fourth Annual team wide Shoot-a-Thon on October 11th!

During the event every student athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

Sacred Heart School has always had a reputation of being a powerhouse when it came to CYO basketball here on Staten Island. That was not by accident, but rather the result of hard work, commitment and dedication of both the players and coaching staff.

That same commitment and dedication has also led to an increase in the number of players wanting to proudly sport a Sacred Heart jersey at various gyms across the island on CYO Sundays.

Please help our young players by sponsoring your favorite player and team! Thank you in advance for your support!

Check out where you favorite team and player stands! View Leaderboard


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73% donated of $150.00 goal
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93% donated of $150.00 goal
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23% donated of $150.00 goal
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0% donated of $150.00 goal
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13% donated of $150.00 goal
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20% donated of $150.00 goal
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47% donated of $150.00 goal
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147% donated of $150.00 goal
Sacred Heart Spartans

On October 11th the Sacred Heart Spartans will host its team wide Shoot-a-Thon Challenge! During the event every student athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. Please help us reach our goal!

Recent Donations
$1.00 per Shot
Tracey Iovino
John McGinley
Lets go Hope! Lets go Spartans!
Mary Silvestro
Congratulations Great Job
George Maira
Congratulations on your free throws
Kenny & Laura
Frank and Dolores DiSalvo
Go Addison. Grandma and Poppy love ❤️ you!!
Uncle Jason
Let’s Go Hopey!!
Paula Costa
Michael Coscia
You go girl! Love, Grandpa Mike
James & Jessica
Go Addison!!!!
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Donna Gildea
Cindy and Gary Benedict
We love you Victoria and hope you have fun playing basketball this year .We are so proud of you and love watching how m ...more
Pamela Minkoff
Good luck Mia
Mom & Dad
Go Hope!!! Love Mom & Dad
Robin Hagendorf
Go Girl!!!! Love, Sophia, Paul, Gabby & Jack
Christine Florio
Hit those baskets my goddaughter !! Love you!
Virginia Cheung
Gooooo Hope!!! We love you!! Aunt Ginger and Uncle Antony
Marianne Florio
Good Luck Hopey! Love you ❤️ Aunt Mare & Uncle Bobby
Megan Roskowinski
Gooooo Hopey!!!!
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mary jayne mcginley
Evelyn Coscia
Good luck and have fun! Love, Grandma
Lynda Benedict
Good luck V!!!
Meghan Thatcher
You go girl
Grandma Beverly Gioia
Go Issy, you can do whatever you put your mind on.🥰❤️Love you
Cait Magnuski & Brendan Armstrong
Good luck Leona and team!❤️
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