Maddie Michalopoulos: Shoot-a-thon
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$ 2,270 Donated or Pledged
34 Donations
454% of $500.00 Goal


Rising Stars will host its team wide Shoot-a-thon on March 30th.

During the event every athlete will shoot 25 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for each MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

There are team and player prizes so pledge/donate today!

***** Take a look at how your favorite player/team stands: Rising Stars Leaderboard *****

Please help us reach our goal!


I play for Rising Stars - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per MADE free throw.

Recent Donations
Marie Warren
Maddie!!! You rock!
GET ME LITTTT!!! Let’s go mad dog!!!
Jess Armbruster
Go Maddie!
Helen Mandal
Go Maddie! Love you!❤️
$3.00 per Shot
Pam Lumpe
good luck Maddie
James, Liz, and Socks
Mark Scheidt
Go Maddie!
Keep reaching for the stars Maddie! Love you, Yiayia
Grandma and Grandad
You are our super star!! Love you so much! Grandma and Grandad
Jill Johanson
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
rebecca mcKay
Go girl!!!
Zoe Warren
Anne whooley
Let’s go Maddie!! You got this!!
Alex & Neela Michalopoulos
Will Michalopoulos
Good luck Maddie!
Kimo Crossman
Love you Maddie
Coach Tamp
Good job Maddie!!
Marie and Dana
Yay Maddie!
Laura Beecher & Pat Narofsky
Go Maddie
Kerry Phayre
Go Maddie!
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Sue Cahill
Good Luck Maddie!
John & Gina Tucker
Good luck!!
Genevieve Montavon
Send pictures!
$2.00 per Shot
Gina Tucker
Let’s gooooooooo!
Jackie Kane
Good luck!
Katie, Sam, and Mila Durand
$3.00 per Shot
Nicholas Pei
Tom Drougas
Andrew & Tori
I love you! You’re amazing!!
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Baba / leen
Go Maddie girl
barbara posillico
Go Maddie !!
Carlyn Gordon
Love you Maddie!
Amy Michalopoulos
Maddie michalopoulos
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