Kyon Coles Jr: Shoot-a-thon
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$ 1,584 Donated
13 Donations
317% of $500.00 Goal


Brooklyn Bridge Basketball will host its team wide Shoot-a-thon on June 28th.

During the event every athlete will shoot 100 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for each MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from .25 cents to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

Please help us reach our goal!

Coles Jr

I play for Brooklyn Bridge Basketball - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per MADE free throw.

Recent Donations
Teenessha walls
You got this KJ!!
Ray Campbell
Best of Luck KJ
Andrea Coles
Go head baby make Grandma proud I love you good luck.
Keep ballin'!!!
Doretha Bryant
Never give up on your dreams šŸ™šŸ¾
Never forget what this is all about. We love you son
Jeff Walker
Good Luck To my grandson KJ keep pushing Iā€™m proud of you.
Keep pushing yourself son. Love you.
Zykia coles
I love you nephew strive for greatness
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Maxine Sampeur
Keep doing your thing cuzin love you
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