Boys 7th Grade-Omar Atkinson
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$ 2,884 Donated
51 Donations
58% of $5000.00 Goal


Rising Stars will host its team wide Shoot-a-Thon on Saturday, May 20th @ Lawrence Woodmere Academy!

During the event every athlete will shoot 25 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from 2 to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION.

Please help us reach our goal! There are team and player prizes so pledge/donate today!


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0% donated of $500.00 goal
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0% donated of $500.00 goal
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58% donated of $500.00 goal
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80% donated of $500.00 goal
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50% donated of $500.00 goal
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88% donated of $500.00 goal
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34% donated of $500.00 goal
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37% donated of $500.00 goal
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7% donated of $500.00 goal
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0% donated of $500.00 goal
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5% donated of $500.00 goal
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20% donated of $500.00 goal
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126% donated of $500.00 goal
Rising Stars

Rising Stars will host its 9th Annual team wide Shoot-a-Thon on May 20th! During the event every athlete will shoot 25 free throws. We are looking for sponsors for every MADE free throw. You can PLEDGE anything from 2 to 10 dollars per basket made or make a one-time DONATION. Please help us reach our goal! There are team and player prizes so pledge/donate today!

Recent Donations
Sharon Troiano
Go Max!
Linda & Richie
Go Boopa Boy, GO!!!
Nancy Thomas
Good luck, Maons!🏀👍
Lindsey and Jay
Go Mase-man!!
Chris and Megan Gottsegen
Keep up the hard work and striving to be great!
Patrick Franck
Keely Troiano-Blaylock
Displaying 1-10 donations  More
Nayeli Layla Alaïa
We love you Jordyn you’re the best cousin!
Tabata Borali-Faltings
Good luck Derek!!
Derek Rodriguez
Michael Mannion
Jill Notti
s. adelsberg & co.
congrats derek keep on shooting
Jeremy Kirschner
Paul DeBello
Good Luck!
Kristen Forbes
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Good luck Kahmel!
Carolyn Woods
Good luck reaching your goal.
Joe A
Curtis Smith
Jaiden and Leo Ford
Lance Dickson
Jerome Jackson
Pledge to William Forbes
Trac James
Continue being Great!!!
Eric and Shari Konigsberg
Back  Displaying 21-30 donations  More
Good luck Deucy!
You got this baby boy!
Chad Chuck
Aryah Milliner
Robert Eisenstadt
Good Luck!!
Chakell & Gerald
Good Luck!
Let’s go Brodie 🙌🏾
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Carlene Alexander-Kay
Good luck!
Bob Lewis
Good luck dueces
Good luck Khamel
Good luck Kahmel
Bria Kassner
Terrence Forbes
Don't miss !!! Lol !!!
Jaylah n mama
Let’s GO!!!!!!
Good luck Kahmel
Frederic Konigsberg
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Michael Koumoullos
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